I'm having a hard time to make this work. My image set is made of small images (58x65).
I'm using ORB with the following parameters:
# Initiate ORB detector
# default: ORB(int nfeatures=500, float scaleFactor=1.2f, int nlevels=8, int edgeThreshold=31, int firstLevel=0, int WTA_K=2, int scoreType=ORB::HARRIS_SCORE, int patchSize=31)
orb = cv2.ORB_create(
nfeatures = 500, # The maximum number of features to retain.
scaleFactor = 1.2, # Pyramid decimation ratio, greater than 1
nlevels = 8, # The number of pyramid levels.
edgeThreshold = 7, # This is size of the border where the features are not detected. It should roughly match the patchSize parameter
firstLevel = 0, # It should be 0 in the current implementation.
WTA_K = 2, # The number of points that produce each element of the oriented BRIEF descriptor.
scoreType = cv2.ORB_HARRIS_SCORE, # The default HARRIS_SCORE means that Harris algorithm is used to rank features (the score is written to KeyPoint::score and is
# used to retain best nfeatures features); FAST_SCORE is alternative value of the parameter that produces slightly less stable
# keypoints, but it is a little faster to compute.
#scoreType = cv2.ORB_FAST_SCORE,
patchSize = 7 # size of the patch used by the oriented BRIEF descriptor. Of course, on smaller pyramid layers the perceived image area covered
# by a feature will be larger.
As it can be seen I changed edgeThreshold and patchSize parameters, but I'm afraid these sizes are too small to find meaningful features.
I am testing with a pretty big set of parking lot images (~3900 images of 58x65), both empty and occupied.
But the results are not consistent: an image of a car parked (from out of the set) is shown as closer to empty spaces than other cars parked.
What could I have been doing wrong? My guess is the above mentioned parameters. Someone with more experience on the subject could confirm it?
Here is a small subset of the images.
Full dataset can be found here.