From my point of view, your current column link should not run any query. What it should & could do is to call a function which returns URL. Something like this:
select id,
f_url(parameters, go, here) url
from some_table
where ...
How to do it?
A dummy function; mine returns link to Google. Yours would return something different.
create or replace function f_url return varchar2 is
return '';
In Apex, interactive report's query looks like this; note the URL
column which composes a HTML tag to URL returned by the function I previously created:
select deptno, dname, loc,
'<a href="' || f_url || '" target="_blank">click here</a>' url
from dept
column's properties:
- type: plain text (not a link!)
- escape special characters: No (otherwise, instead of a link you'll see plain text)
Run the page; result is

When you click on "click here", a new tab - with the Google search page - will be opened.