I am using an Arduino Uno and every time I upload the code I get this error:
Error: avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt X of 10: not in sync: resp=
I have lookad at every single possible option; first of all, the Arduino is not damaged; I made sure. I did the following :
- checked the port
- tried the following programmers: ArduinoISP, AVRISP, AVRISPmkll
- tried changing the board from the toolbar, tried Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega, etc.
- tried more than one USB cable
- tried on 2 PCs
- tried installing different versions of Arduino
- tried to press on burn bootloader option in the toolbar (that I didn't know what it could do exactly)
- restart pc, restart Arduino IDE, reset Arduino, reset Arduino when RX led lights up.
I am a newbie with Arduino, so I would be grateful if you could explain in detail, and please don't ignore because this problem is going to drive me crazy and I don't know anyone that I can consult.