
I have a Snakefile with a rule to create and activate a conda environment from a yaml file with samtools version 1.9, then to check the version:

rule environ:
        'samtools --version > version.txt'

And the yaml file:

name: samtools
  - bioconda
  - samtools=1.9*

I run snakemake using:

snakemake --cores 1 --use-conda

It seems to build the environment successfully, and when I check the version in .snakemake/conda/79eeda10/bin/samtools it is 1.9:

.snakemake/conda/79eeda10/bin/samtools --version
samtools 1.9
Using htslib 1.9
Copyright (C) 2018 Genome Research Ltd.

However the output in version.txt indicates the samtools being run is 1.3:

samtools 1.3
Using htslib 1.3
Copyright (C) 2015 Genome Research Ltd.

When I use this method to run a different rule that needs a specific samtools parameter only available in version 1.9, it also fails due to 1.3 being run instead.

Lastly, I am activating a conda environment containing snakemake before I run this workflow. But I would think there are no issues/conflicts with running a separate environment for specific rules?

Can anyone help me to determine why my conda environment is being built but not activated for these rules? Any help would be much appreciated.


I have realised that samtools 1.3 is the default version on my cluster which is called even when I activate a conda environment with samtools 1.9 installed. To get around this I need to specifically call the samtools binary within my conda path as follows: /share/ClusterShare/thingamajigs/jamtor/local/lib/miniconda3/envs/py37/envs/snk/bin/samtools

However, this does not solve the problem of building an environment containing samtools 1.9 within a snakemake rule and using this version. Due to the unique hash for the environment build, I would not know the path to specify to call it within the shell command. Does anyone know of a way to get around this?


I don't have this issue. Conda prepends to PATH and that should override user- and system-level software. Do you have default conda init output in your .bashrc? Also, versions of Snakemake and Conda might be relevant.merv

1 Answers


I found the problem - I had a path pointing to samtools 1.3 in my PATH environment variable, in my .bashrc. I removed this and it solved the problem - samtools 1.9 was built and the environment used by snakemake appropriately. Strange as I would have thought the conda environment would take precedence over the PATH variable.