Good evening!
I am attempting to retrieve a Boolean value from firebase in my swift iOS app, but I have run into a silly issue. Unpacking strings from my snapshots is working great, but Bools are another story... I am clearly missing something (hopfully) simple. Here is the code:
for child in snapshot.children{
let key = (child as AnyObject).key as String
let shouldBeBool = (child as AnyObject).value as Bool
// Do Stuff with the values
I am getting a "Type of expression is ambiguous without more context" error on the Let shouldBeBool line.
The code will compile if I change the "as Bool" to "as String", but the app crashes as expected once it attempts to read the Boolean value in the snapshot as a string.
I have also tried this and get the same error:
for child in snapshot.children{
let key = (child as AnyObject).key as String
var shouldBeBool: Bool
shouldBeBool = (child as AnyObject).value as! Bool
// Do Stuff with the values
I do not understand how force unwrapping it as a Boolean is ambiguous. Does swift have different types of Boolean?
Hopefully I am just missing something silly.
Thank you for your time.
UPDATE The accepted answer worked (Thank you!), with one additional modification. Working code below.
for child in snapshot.children{
let key = (child as AnyObject).key as String
let b = (child as! DataSnapshot).value as! NSNumber // Note the double force unwrapping... bad practice?
let shouldBeBool = Bool(truncating: b)
// Do Stuff with shouldBeBool as a boolean and key as a string