I currently have a design like so. There are tables for each object class. Each table then contains rows (objects) which needs to be associated with multiple statuses.
Statuses table
- id
- status
- id
- username
- ...
Some other object class
What's the best way to link each object class table to the status table? I am tossing up between the 2 methods described in SQL Antipatterns:
Intersection tables
- user_id
- status_id
- UNIQUE(user_id, status_id)
etc. This will require an intersection table for each object class. So, as I add more object classes (tables), I will need to add an intersection table, which means that
Ancestor tables
- id
- object_ancestor_id
- status_id
- UNIQUE(object_ancestor_id, status_id)
Each object class would then have column with a foreign key linked to the id column in the object_ancestor table.
In terms of performance and design elegance, which way would be better?