I have a JSON file that I am trying to load via SnowSQL into Snowflake. I have an SQL script that's partially working. Here is a sample of the JSON file:
{"year":"2011","_113_cause_name":"Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (N00- N07,N17-N19,N25-N27)","cause_name":"Kidney disease","state":"South Dakota","deaths":"49","aadr":"4.5"}
I have a series of SQL statements in a file that I then run fin SnowSQL CLI - see below:
enter code here
/* create a table with variant column */
/*create file format */
create or replace file format CDC_DB.CDC_SCHEMA.sf_tut_csv_format
field_delimiter = none
record_delimiter = '\\n';
create or replace temporary stage CDC_DB.CDC_SCHEMA.sf_tut_stage
file_format = CDC_DB.CDC_SCHEMA.sf_tut_csv_format;
put file:///Users/rfrenkel/Downloads/LeadingCausesofDeath_noOA.json
copy into CDC_VAR
from @CDC_DB.CDC_SCHEMA.sf_tut_stage/LeadingCausesofDeath_noOA.json.jz
file_format = CDC_DB.CDC_SCHEMA.sf_tut_csv_format;
When I run the SQL statements above - I get below output in the CLI:
| status |
| CDC_VAR already exists, statement succeeded. |
1 Row(s) produced. Time Elapsed: 0.192s
| status |
| File format SF_TUT_CSV_FORMAT successfully created. |
1 Row(s) produced. Time Elapsed: 0.190s
| status |
| Stage area SF_TUT_STAGE successfully created. |
1 Row(s) produced. Time Elapsed: 0.202s
LeadingCausesofDeath_noOA.json_c.gz(0.09MB): [##########] 100.00% Done (1.973s, 0.04MB/s).
| source | target | source_size | target_size | source_compression | target_compression | status | message |
| LeadingCausesofDeath_noOA.json | LeadingCausesofDeath_noOA.json.gz | 1671572 | 91648 | NONE | GZIP | UPLOADED | |
1 Row(s) produced. Time Elapsed: 4.028s
| status |
| Copy executed with 0 files processed. |
1 Row(s) produced. Time Elapsed: 1.221s
It looks like COPY only produces one row in the CDC_VAR and I do not see any data when I look at it via the Graphical interface. I do not know what's wrong, and I am suspecting that the file format is incorrect. Any help is appreciated.