I have an mp3 sound I'd like to play with pan, pitch/samplerate, and volume controls set once (not changing in realtime). I am using AVAudioPlayer at the moment, which works, but the rate setting performs time stretching instead of performing the samplerate change where the lower values cause a sound to get slower and lower-pitched, and the higher ones cause a sound to get faster and higher-pitched (kind of like tape speed). E.g., setting samplerate to 88200 HZ when your sound is actually 44100 will result in it playing at 200% speed/pitch. Is something like this possible with AVAudioPlayer, or is there another way to accomplish this? Here's what I have so far:
player=[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:
[NSURL fileURLWithPath: @"sound.mp3"] error: nil];
[player play];
Note: I'm not referring to the pitch method where time stretching is used in combination to keep the length of the sound aproximetly the same, or any "advanced" algorithms.