There is no built-in way to determine the CultureInfo from a numeric string, as far as I know. And I seriously doubt it'll ever be, because there is no 100% safe way to do it.
Until you find a better solution (eg: some change on the sender-side), I guess the best you can do is to decrease the chances of error in two steps:
1) Input data cleanup and standardization:
Dim input as String = " 99 9.000,00 "
' This way you can remove unwanted characters (anything that is not a digit, and the following symbols: ".", "-", ",")
Dim fixedInput as String = Regex.Replace(input, "[^\d-,\.]", "")
' fixedInput now is "999.000,00"
2) Guess yourself the format:
Dim indexOfDot as Integer = fixedInput.IndexOf(".")
Dim indexOfComma as Integer = fixedInput.IndexOf(",")
Dim cultureTestOrder as List(Of CultureInfo) = new List(Of CultureInfo)
Dim parsingResult as Double?
If indexOfDot > 0 And indexOfComma > 0 Then
' There are both the dot and the comma..let's check their order
If indexOfDot > indexOfComma Then
' The dot comes after the comma. It should be en-US like Culture
parsingResult = Double.Parse(fixedInput, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))
' The dot comes after the comma. It should be it-IT like Culture
parsingResult = Double.Parse(fixedInput, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("it-IT"))
End If
Else If indexOfDot = fixedInput.Length-3 Then
' There is only the dot! And it is followed by exactly two should be en-US like Culture
parsingResult = Double.Parse(fixedInput, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"))
Else If indexOfComma = fixedInput.Length-3 Then
' There is only the comma! And it is followed by exactly two should be en-US like Culture
parsingResult = Double.Parse(fixedInput, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("it-IT"))
End If
End Try
If Not parsingResult.HasValue Then
' There is no dot or comma, or the parsing failed for some reason. Let's try a less specific parsing.
parsingResult = Double.Parse(fixedInput, NumberStyles.Any, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
End Try
End If
If Not parsingResult.HasValue Then
' Conversion not possible, throw exception or do something else
' Use parsingResult.Value
End If
You are not 100% safe this way, but it should be still better than your current code (and at least works as expected on the example data your provided).