I'm trying to create an application in which we can create a Book instance that has a name, description, publishing date, etc. For the frontend, I'm using Vuejs and the Backend is Django.
For creating a new Book instance, I've created a view called BookEditor.vue. I'm trying to use the same view to edit the Book instance.
To edit the book, a router link is placed in another component called BookActions.vue.
:to="{ name: 'book-editor', params: { slug: slug } }"
import { apiService } from "@/common/api.service";
export default {
name: "BookActions",
props: {
slug: {
type: String,
required: true,
When the router link is clicked the user is navigated to BookEditor.vue. Following is the router code.
const routes = [
path: "/book-editor/:slug?",
name: "book-editor",
component: BookEditor
Following is the BookEditor.vue code.
export default {
name: "BookEditor",
props: {
slug: {
type: String,
required: false,
data() {
return {
tag_id_list: [],
published_on: null,
book_name: null,
book_description: null,
error: null,
isUpdateEditor: false,
methods: {
onSubmit() {
if {.....}
else {
let endpoint = "/api/books/";
let method = "POST";
if (this.slug !== undefined) {
endpoint += `${this.slug}/`;
method = "PUT";
apiService(endpoint, method, {
name: this.book_name,
published_on: this.published_on,
description: this.book_description,
tag_id_list: this.tag_id_list,
}).then((book_data) => {
name: "book",
params: { slug: book_data.slug },
async beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
if (to.params.slug !== undefined) {
let endpoint = `/api/books/${to.params.slug}/`;
let data = await apiService(endpoint);
return next((vm) => {
(vm.book_name = data.name),
(vm.started_on = data.started_on),
(vm.published_on= data.published_on),
(vm.isUpdateEditor = true);
} else {
return next();
created() {
document.title = "Book Editor";
When the user is navigated to the Book Editor, the slug prop is undefined, and a new book is always created if we try to update any book.
I've explored various questions but to no avail.