
I need to be able to remove selected items from an Angular Material list. To do so, I decided to subtract the array of selected items from the initial array of items (not sure this is the best way to do it).

My problem is that I can't find a way to pass the array of selected items from HTML to TS and play with it.

Angular Material has the following example in their documentation:


where x is the ID of the mat-selection-list selector and y is something that you do with the selected elements. But this seems to work in HTML only.

Below there's my code which doesn't work.

HTML where I set up the list and the button which should trigger the deletion function.

<mat-selection-list #apps>
    <mat-list-option *ngFor="let app of appList" [value]="app">

mat-stroked-button color="primary">
    Remove from list

TS where I try to mess with the selected options but it obviously doesn't work because selectedOptions is declared as an array of strings and doesn't have the "selected" method. I understand that was a dumb attempt but anyway, can't find any better way:) There should be a way to pass selected elemets as an array to TS...

export class SubscriptionListComponent implements OnInit {

  selectedOptions: string[]
  appList: string[] = ['Instagram', 'Facebook', 'Telegram', 'WhatsApp', 'GitHub']

  deleteSelected() {
    this.appList.filter(x => !this.selectedOptions.selected.includes(x))

The goal is to modify the appList on click on the button so the selected elements are removed from it and don't show up in the list as well.

selectedOptions is a property of MatSelectionList. See if you can reference it with @ViewChild(MatSelectionList) selectionList: MatSelectionList;robbieAreBest
@robbieAreBest thank you, much appreciated, it perfectly worked!Pirunpoika

1 Answers


For those who might face the same challenge, I post the code which worked for me and did exactly what I wanted (remove selected elements from the list on click).

HTML stayed the same as above.


import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { MatSelectionList } from '@angular/material/list';

  selector: 'app-subscription-list',
  templateUrl: './subscription-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./subscription-list.component.scss']
export class SubscriptionListComponent implements OnInit {

  @ViewChild('apps') selectionList: MatSelectionList

  appList: string[] = ['Instagram', 'Facebook', 'Telegram', 'WhatsApp', 'GitHub']

  deleteSelected() {
    var selected: string[] = this.selectionList.selectedOptions.selected.map(s => s.value)
    var diff = this.appList.filter(el => !selected.includes(el))
    this.appList = diff

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
