I am working with a temporary Oracle Cloud account. What I thought was identical functionality works on the Apex Web Service, but not with UTL_HTTP. So this snippet works and returns the issue we are looking for.
L_json_response varchar2(32767);
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).name := 'Content-Type';
apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).Value := 'application/json';
L_json_response := apex_web_service.make_rest_request ( p_url =>
'https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/BLABLA-23862', p_http_method => 'GET',
p_username => 'My.Username@mycompany', p_password => 'osBJWHhPasdffNVOQ5AA11D5'); -- Password is my Jira API Token
EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20001,'An error was encountered -
I can't use the Apex web service in the end product, and we need to use UTL_HTTP. This snippet should from my understanding do the same:
req utl_http.req;
res utl_http.resp;
url varchar2(4000) := 'https://mycompany.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/BLABLA-23862';
buffer varchar2(4000);
req := utl_http.begin_request(url, 'GET');
utl_http.set_header(req, 'Content-Type', 'application/json');
utl_http.set_header(req, 'Authorization', 'Basic ' || utl_encode.base64_encode('my.msername@mycompany:osBJWHhPasdffNVOQ5AA11D5'));
res := utl_http.get_response(req);
utl_http.read_text(res, buffer);
But returns:
ORA-29273: HTTP request failed
ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 639
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_HTTP", line 1415 ORA-06512...