
I am getting this error when i tried to build/compile the code is VS2008 C++. the weird thing is i installed boost 1.46.1 but i get this error for boost 1.45.

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc90-mt-1_45.lib' i tried looking on different sources. But unfortunately unable to solve it yet. although i included all the paths for libraries and include files.

Please any guidence in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Many Thanks.


Maybe you are using the include files of the former version, causing the auto-link mechanism to search for 1.45 libraries as well?Ferdinand Beyer
the thing, i bought this new machine and it has no previous version installed. so i just installed 1.46.1. still confused!Muhammad
You should check how boost is linked in your project. Normally it should include only corresponding header files and all the necessary libs are included by the #pragma comment.Mikhail

2 Answers


This is nothing to do with what you have installed (or not). What is happening is that VC++ expects this library but cannot find it. Check your "included libraries" in your project settings. Perhaps this project is supposed to use the 1.45 version.


I've also spent quite some time looking for the solution for this. In my case it was a simple preprocessor definition BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB, which implies you don't need the lib.

If that's not your case, you should probably use bjam.