
in my app I use heavy pages that have a lot to show, images to render and more, when sliding what happens is that my sliding animation will stagger while my page is being rendered mid swipe, I want to minimize this effect.

I want to have the page, by default, display a certain widget(preferably a single container with a bg color, or a shimmer, or any placeholder I can choose), and then when the sliding animation is finished the data which is being computed in the background will appear. like this, I won't have to see the janky animation when swiping.

is there any way of doing this, other than having to manually use streambuilders to listen for the pageView controller?

Please share the code for PageView!ASAD HAMEED

2 Answers


you can try this, preload_page_view, pageview outside screen will be preloaded~

[EDITED] Alternative, What if you only put context When index == onchangedIndex, something like,

int _currentIndex = 0;

  onPageChanged: (index){
    //Even you can use here Future.delay to delay a second after onPageChanged, if loading your content is too quick
                              setState(() {
                                _currentIndex = index;
  itemBuilder: (context, index){
    return _currentIndex == index ? //your content : Container(/*with background color*/);

Add a delay to the Pages, equal to the animation duration of PageView.

1.Create a variable,

final duration = Duration(milliseconds: 600);

2.Add delay to the Page(),

Future.delayed(duration, () => Page() );

3.Animate to a different page,

  duration: duration,
  curve: Curves.easeInOut,