I am using NEO4J in version 4.2.1 (community edition). I wanted to use the plugin TimeTree from Graphaware and copied
in the plugin folder. I also added
ga.timetree.* to dbms.security.procedures.unrestricted
in the config and restartet the neo4j-server. When I start to do a test e.g. with
CALL ga.timetree.single({time: 1463659567468})
I always run into the error
Failed to invoke procedure `ga.timetree.single`: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.neo4j.graphdb.event.TransactionEventHandler
Searching the web I only found one explanation which points to Failed to invoke procedure `ga.timetree.now`: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.graphaware.module.timetree.SingleTimeTree which explains to use the community edition of Neo4j instead of the Enterprise edition. I checked twice and I am pretty sure I run the community edition (Neo4j Server version: 4.2.1 (community)).
Does anyone has an idea what I need to change to get it running?
Thanks Balael