
which shows a table with its column. What I need is building a search lookup function instead of the default filter function, so that ON The List of Values in Mini Filter window and NOT the whole table: [![enter image description here][1]][1]

If typing the full name Michael then the table will be filtered by Michael, OR if I type the phone number then the name of Michael will be filtered by Michael. in other words.

I dont what to change the values of the filter to filter based tokens, and i also dont want to change the columns values to column based token, but i only need that if the input of the user in the search field is inside the tokens then returns the key of the token and show it to the user.

No, i need the search function of mini filter window and not that wohle table.Alex

2 Answers


Got a working example here. Note that I'm not very familiar with Angular, so the code might seem weird.

I defined a custom filter, called CustomSetFilter, in which the text input functions as a search field for the tokens of each checkbox as defined in filterData. If the input is empty, all checkboxes appear. If not, only checkboxes that have a token equal to the input's value (ignoring case) will show up. This can be seen in the onChange() function.


I don't know if AgSetFilter is required, but we can do it with TextFilter

1)First of all, we should create a column based on tokens

2)then we need to format the value for the good name in cell because we had a array

3)and write a custom filter options

this.columnDefs = [
    field: 'tokens',
    filter: 'agTextColumnFilter',
    valueFormatter: p => p.value[0],
    filterParams: {
      filterOptions: [{
      displayKey: 'ByToken',
      displayName: 'ByToken',
      test: function (filterValue, cellValue) {
        const array = cellValue.split(',')
        return array.includes(filterValue);
      hideFilterInput: false


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