
I'm running a website made with django. This website has a contact form, and when you submit, you and administrator will receive an email.

message = render_to_string('email/contact_us_message.txt', context)
send_async_mail.delay(_('subject'), message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [contact.email])
message_for_admin = render_to_string('email/contact_us_message_for_admin.txt', context)
send_async_mail.delay(_('subject'), message_for_admin, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [settings.ADMIN_EMAIL])

I used to subscribe to gsuite and use that smtp server. There was no problem sending and receiving emails.

I decided to use another email hosting service two days ago, so I modified my dns record, canceled gsuite and deleted my account.

The new email hosting service worked fine in the local environment. However, in production, email can't be sent sometimes. When I check the task results of celery results, it says 535, "b'5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted." I understand that this error message is displayed when connecting to the google service. For example, the app password is not set. But I don't use smtp.gmail.com or services related to google anymore.

EMAIL_URL=smtp+tls://[email protected]:[email protected]:587

so I don't understand why I get this error message. Since I changed the dns record and it's been a little while, do I get this error related smtp.gmail.com? If I wait and the dns cache will be updated, will the error disappear?

have you restarted celery workers after changing email setting?Adithya
Yes, I did. But it's still showing same error.user6277772

1 Answers


If email is working in local environment and thoroughgoing error on server then first you need to Turn ON the less secure app on your email account. Second you need to verify that it was you who is sending email from server not some malicious user.