
I am very new to this, and I want to build a very simple personal website. I used the Github pages and jekyll. I have two markdown pages that I need to convert to html through jekyll. My folder structure is:


For some reason, initially only index.md is converted to html. After reading some posts, I added the title below, but now it shows 404.

title: Title

My link from index to resources is simply below:

<a href= "resources.md">Resources</a>

What else should I do/try to make it work? Thanks in advance!

If you're running bundle exec jekyll build inside the docs directory, I don't see any reason this wouldn't work. Are you getting errors in your terminal? Can you add your project to a GitHub repo? If not, perhaps you could add the contents of your _config.yml to the question?Brad West
Thanks for your comment! I build this directly in the github website, and not from terminal; my _config.yml is below: theme: jekyll-theme-minimalzycalice
ok I think I finally got this to work by adding the permalink, followed tutorial here. Thanks!! docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/…zycalice

1 Answers


After reading this: https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/working-with-github-pages/adding-content-to-your-github-pages-site-using-jekyll

I noticed that I should have added the permalink in the front-matter like:

title: "PAGE TITLE"
permalink: /resources/

Hope this can help those who just started using jekyll with GitPages and markdown as well.