I have this component that is being ca;;ed by the Vue Router. But not all the params are being received by the component. The link is working because the browser URL is being created correctly e.g. http://localhost:8080/dashboard/brands/1/car/1
. But the brandId
doesn't get received by the component. It stays 0.
This is my link that redirects to the component:
:to="{ name: 'CarDetail', params: { brandId: brandId, id: car.id } }"
Here is the path defined in the router class:
const parseProps = r => ({ id: parseInt(r.params.id) });
path: "/dashboard/brands/:brandId/car/:id",
name: "CarDetail",
props: parseProps,
component: () =>
import(/* webpackChunkName: "brands" */ "@/views/CarDetail.vue")
This is the component:
export default {
name: "CarDetail",
data() {
return {
car: {}
props: {
id: {
type: Number,
default: 0
brandId: {
type: Number,
default: 0