
I have a matrix with column 1 as YEARMONTH (202001, 202002, ....)

Column 2 is SALES.

In the matrix currently the value for Jan to Dec 2020 gets summed for year 2020.

I want to have year to have months only from April to March. Example 2019 is Apr 2019 to Mar 2020. 2020 is Apr 2020 to Mar 2021.

How can I implement this in power bi?


1 Answers


Try with below:

Fiscal year

1. Create a FiscalYearNumber column as

FiscalYearNumber=If( Month([Date]) >= 7  , Year([Date]),Year([Date]) -1 )

FiscalYearDisplay = ="FY"&Right(Format([FiscalYearNumber],"0#"),2)&"-"&Right(Format([FiscalYearNumber]+1,"0#"),2)

2) Create a column called FiscalMonth

FiscalMonth=(If( Month([Date]) >= 7  , Month([Date]) - 6,Month([Date]) + 6 )

3) Create Fisical Quater

FiscalQuarterNumber =  ROUNDUP ([FiscalMonth]/3,0)

FiscalQuarterDisplay= "FQ" & format([FiscalQuarterNumber],"0")