To break it down, I have a dict that looks like this:
dict = {'A': ["sample1","sample2","sample3"],
'B': ["sample1","sample2"],
'C': ["sample1","sample2","sample3"]}
And I have a rule:
rule example:
#some input
# some params
expand('{{x}}{sample}', sample=dict[wildcards.x])
# the alternative I tried was
# expand('{{x}}{sample}', sample=lambda wildcards: dict[wildcards.x])
log = '{x}.log'
My problem is how can I access the dictonary with the wildcard.x as key such that I get the list of items corresponding to the wildcard as key. The first example just gives me
name 'wildcards' is not defined
while the alternative just gives me
Missing input files for rule all Since snakemake doesn't even runs the example rule.
I need to use expand, since I want the rule to run only once for each x wildcard while creating multiple samples in this one run.