Expected Behaviour
I'm trying to enable 'threat detection policy' and send alerts to a list of email address
Actual Behaviour
throws error (see Error output)
Error Output
Error: threat_detection_policy: attribute supports 1 item maximum, config has 2 declared
on ..\mysql-module-test\example-location\main.tf line 20, in resource "azurerm_mysql_server" "instance":
20: resource "azurerm_mysql_server" "instance" {
Terraform (and AzureRM Provider) Version
Affected Resource(s)
terraform v0.13.0
Terraform Configuration Files
resource "azurerm_mysql_server" "instance" {
name = "${var.names.product_name}-${var.names.environment}-${var.server_id}"
location = var.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
tags = var.tags
administrator_login = local.administrator_login
administrator_login_password = local.administrator_password
sku_name = var.sku_name
storage_mb = var.storage_mb
version = var.mysql_version
auto_grow_enabled = (var.create_mode == "Replica" ? true : var.auto_grow_enabled)
backup_retention_days = var.backup_retention_days
geo_redundant_backup_enabled = var.geo_redundant_backup_enabled
infrastructure_encryption_enabled = var.infrastructure_encryption_enabled
public_network_access_enabled = (((length(var.service_endpoints) > 0) || (length(var.access_list) > 0)) ? true : false)
ssl_enforcement_enabled = var.ssl_enforcement_enabled
ssl_minimal_tls_version_enforced = var.ssl_enforcement_enabled ? "TLS1_2" : "TLSEnforcementDisabled"
create_mode = var.create_mode
creation_source_server_id = (var.create_mode == "Replica" ? var.creation_source_server_id : null)
dynamic "threat_detection_policy" { # Error: threat_detection_policy: attribute supports 1 item maximum, config has 2 declared
for_each = (var.threat_detection_policy != null ? var.threat_detection_policy : null)
content {
enabled = var.threat_detection_policy.enable_threat_detection_policy
email_addresses = var.threat_detection_policy.threat_detection_email_addresses
# Advanced threat protection policy settings
variable "threat_detection_policy" {
description = "Threat detection policy configuration. If not input, threat detection will be disabled."
type = object({
enable_threat_detection_policy = bool
threat_detection_email_addresses = list(string)
default = null
Module call
# advanced threat protection policy
threat_detection_policy = {
enable_threat_detection_policy = true
threat_detection_email_addresses = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
Error Output
Error: threat_detection_policy: attribute supports 1 item maximum, config has 2 declared
on ..\mysql-module-test\example-location\main.tf line 20, in resource "azurerm_mysql_server" "instance":
20: resource "azurerm_mysql_server" "instance" {