
I want to develop 2 subscription plans for a client. Plan A they will pay CAD $5/month. Plan B they will pay USD $10 / month. Because this is a special client so we have to design a new plan they will pay in CAD. How do I design in Stripe? since when I use API stripe.subscriptions.create, it shows this issue when they want to switch between plans

Error: The specified price uses `usd` which doesn't match the expected currency of `cad`. Use `cad` instead.


1 Answers


Customers are single currency, meaning that you can only have subscriptions (and invoices, balances etc) in one currency. Once the default currency for the customer is set, it cannot be changed. If you need Subscriptions in two currencies, you will need to manage two Stripe Customers for your real-world customer.

This does not restrict your ability to create one-time payments for that Customer (such as with the Payment Intents API) in any supported currency.