I am from SQL background and very new to Dynamodb. I have a single table like this:
| dbId | genId | colData | deviceId | updateOn | params |
| | | | | | |
Here dbId
is primary key and genId
is sort key. I have created two local secondary indexs in deviceId
and updateOn
. In SQL I can query from the table:
String dbId = "151/2020-21";
int deviceId = 1001;
long updOn = 1608456211308;
String query = "select * from tableName where dbId = '"+dbId+"' and deviceId != "+deviceId+" and updateOn > " + updOn;
In DynamoDb my keyConditionExpression is : dbId = :dbId and updateOn > :updateOn and deviceId != :deviceId
. It gives me error :
DynamoDbException: Invalid KeyConditionExpression: Syntax error; token: "!", near: "deviceId !="
I removed the '!'
to this : dbId = :dbId and updateOn > :updateOn and deviceId = :deviceId
. It gives me error:
DynamoDbException: Conditions can be of length 1 or 2 only
How can I perform my desired query in Dynamodb? How should I design my Dynamodb table (I mean, primary key, indexes etc) so that I get the same sql like result?