
There are 2 ways to add OpenAPI 3 into Spring Boot project.

  • <groupId>org.springdoc</groupId>


  • <groupId>io.springfox</groupId>


There are aloso migration isue for config and annotation

The question is: are there any reasons for Spring Boot project to make a choice beetwen them?

springdoc is a more manageable project. You will get the query support if you posted the query over GithubSSK

1 Answers


There's an obvious reason for choosing Springdoc over Springfox in this case. The reason being, springdoc-openapi-ui is a standalone library while springfox-boot-starter pulls in the Spring dependencies transitively. Having taken a look at what the POM looks like, Springfox has a wrapper for many of the Spring projects. Also for the Swagger UI, you need an extra dependency for Springfox.

Thus using Springdoc gives you more control over Swagger integration which is optional, in case you would like to go for a static documentation framework like Spring REST Docs

As far as the migration guide mentioned is concerned, it's for migrating Springfox 2.x projects to Springdoc. Springdoc supports OpenAPI 3.x and not 2.x, while Springfox supports both versions of the specification.