
I'm studying on a project for a long time. My aim is to get depth map from stereo cameras' images and filter humans only in order to count human inside.

I am trying to calibrate my camera, continuously for 1-2 months. Nevertheless, when I draw epipolar lines on rectified pair, result is not good enough(I have attached my rectified pair result). I am working now, with my averagely good calibration results and trying to get depth map from disparity map. I have recorded an image sequence, .avi file, and when I try to get depth map from this videos, When I try this I am facing an unstable situation. A spot that is white in the previous frame can be very black in the next. So I can't just count people by filtering disparity. I use SGBM to get depths from rectified images.I am still considered an amateur in this project. I am open to any advice. (How to do better calibration? Better disparity map? Better depth map?)

This is depth map, and rectified pair: depth map

Rectified pair and epipolar lines pair and lines

I have calibrated my camera with 600 pairs almost and improved it. My overall mean error was .13 pix with 35 pair images.

        numDisparities=2*16,  # max_disp has to be dividable by 16 f. E. HH 192, 256
        P1=8 * 3 * window_size,
        # wsize default 3; 5; 7 for SGBM reduced size image; 15 for SGBM full size image (1300px and above); 5 Works nicely
        P2=32 * 3 * window_size,

This is my block matching parameters.

“I am still considered an amateur in this project.” An amateur is someone who doesn’t get paid for doing something, they do it for fun. As opposed to a professional who does get paid, they do it for work. The concept of an amateur being bad at doing something or knowing less than a professional is just dumb. I find often amateurs are more knowledgeable than most professionals. Maybe you mean to say you are a novice (have little experience)?Cris Luengo
Thanks for your comment. I will consider it. :)kursat-06

3 Answers


To improve the results of your disparity map, you can implement post-filtering, here is a tutorial (https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d14/tutorial_ximgproc_disparity_filtering.html). I used also an extra speckle filter and the option to fill in missing disparities. The python implementation is as follows:

stereoProcessor = cv2.StereoSGBM_create(
                numDisparities = max_disparity, # max_disp has to be dividable by 16 f. E. HH 192, 256
                P1 = p1,       # 8*number_of_image_channels*SADWindowSize*SADWindowSize
                P2 = p2,    # 32*number_of_image_channels*SADWindowSize*SADWindowSize
                uniquenessRatio= uniquenessRatio,
               # mode=cv2.STEREO_SGBM_MODE_HH# numDisparities = max_disparity, # max_disp has to be dividable by 16 f. E. HH 192, 256
        #stereoProcessor = cv2.StereoBM_create(numDisparities=16, blockSize=15)
        # set up left to right + right to left left->right + right->left matching +
        # weighted least squares filtering (not used by default)

        left_matcher = stereoProcessor
        right_matcher = cv2.ximgproc.createRightMatcher(left_matcher)

        #Image information 
        height, width, channels = I.shape

        frameL= I[:,0:int(width/2),:]
        frameR = I[:,int(width/2):width,:]

        # remember to convert to grayscale (as the disparity matching works on grayscale)

        grayL = cv2.cvtColor(frameL,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        grayR = cv2.cvtColor(frameR,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        # perform preprocessing - raise to the power, as this subjectively appears
        # to improve subsequent disparity calculation

        grayL = np.power(grayL, 0.75).astype('uint8')
        grayR = np.power(grayR, 0.75).astype('uint8')

        # compute disparity image from undistorted and rectified versions
        # (which for reasons best known to the OpenCV developers is returned scaled by 16)

        if (wls_filter):

            wls_filter = cv2.ximgproc.createDisparityWLSFilter(matcher_left=left_matcher)
            displ = left_matcher.compute(cv2.UMat(grayL),cv2.UMat(grayR))  # .astype(np.float32)/16
            dispr = right_matcher.compute(cv2.UMat(grayR),cv2.UMat(grayL))  # .astype(np.float32)/16
            displ = np.int16(cv2.UMat.get(displ))
            dispr = np.int16(cv2.UMat.get(dispr))
            disparity = wls_filter.filter(displ, grayL, None, dispr)

            disparity_UMat = stereoProcessor.compute(cv2.UMat(grayL),cv2.UMat(grayR))
            disparity = cv2.UMat.get(disparity_UMat)
        speckleSize = math.floor((width * height) * 0.0005)
        maxSpeckleDiff = (8 * 16) # 128

        cv2.filterSpeckles(disparity, 0, speckleSize, maxSpeckleDiff)
        # scale the disparity to 8-bit for viewing
        # divide by 16 and convert to 8-bit image (then range of values should
        # be 0 -> max_disparity) but in fact is (-1 -> max_disparity - 1)
        # so we fix this also using a initial threshold between 0 and max_disparity
        # as disparity=-1 means no disparity available

        _, disparity = cv2.threshold(disparity,0, max_disparity * 16, cv2.THRESH_TOZERO)
        disparity_scaled = (disparity / 16.).astype(np.uint8)

        # fill disparity if requested

        if (fill_missing_disparity):

            _, mask = cv2.threshold(disparity_scaled,0, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
            mask[:,0:120] = 0
            disparity_scaled = cv2.inpaint(disparity_scaled, mask, 2, cv2.INPAINT_NS)

        # display disparity - which ** for display purposes only ** we re-scale to 0 ->255
        disparity_to_display = (disparity_scaled * (256. / self.value_NumDisp)).astype(np.uint8)

Why do you want to use a distance map to detect humans? In my opinion it is an object detection problem.

Anyway, In the current state of the art to get distance maps, I would recommend models based on artificial intelligence.

Models like NeRF have achieved amazing results.

  • Google provides ARCore which provides a depth map, but based on a single camera.
  • Nvidia has this project
  • This, based on Nerf from a video achieves 3D reconstruction

In a few weeks I will be working on this, I want to achieve a model that runs in TensorFlowLite that, from stereo cameras achieves a depth map


A few things at quick glance:

  • Your P1, P2 parameters in StereoSGBM should be squared, calculated like so:

    P1 = 8*3*blockSize**2
    P2 = 32*3*blockSize**2
  • StereoSGBM supports color images, try skipping the grayscale conversion. If you use grayscale, you should remove *3 mulitiplier in the P1, P2 parameters. This is for the number of image channels, where grayscale has 1.

  • You are using cv2.STEREO_SGBM_MODE_3WAY, which is faster but less accurate. For better results but slower, try using cv2.STEREO_SGBM_MODE_SGBM (default, 5 neighbor) or cv2.STEREO_SGBM_MODE_HH (8 neighbor)

  • Your images have different exposures, if possible, try fixing the AWB/gain of your cameras so that they are captured consistently.