
I'm just starting to use the Azure IoT Hub and I am having trouble locating the incoming messages.

So far I believe I am successfully sending data from an Esp32 Device to the Hub.

Here are the logs from the Esp32. Esp32 Logs VsCode

The problem is in the portal. I can see some messages have been received in my hub on the overview page.

In the first section, "Messages used today" it shows messages have been received. But in all of the other graphs, nothing is shown.

enter image description here

I have looked in many other places to locate the messages but have found nothing.

When using the VS code extension the events do not come through enter image description here

Also using the Azure Cli on the portal no events come through enter image description here

My message routing configuration at the moment is: enter image description here

So somehow the messages get to the portal, but the only sign of them at all is in the first panel in the overview of the IoT hub.

Am I missing something here?



2 Answers


There a couple of options to view the messages and other details like twin changes etc.

The easiest is to install IoTExplorer and connect it to your IoTHub: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-pnp/howto-use-iot-explorer

You can also monitor events using the Azure CLI, via 'az iot hub monitor-events' command: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/ext/azure-iot/iot/hub?view=azure-cli-latest#ext_azure_iot_az_iot_hub_monitor_events

If you are using VS Code, you can use the Azure IoT Tools extension pack to monitor events from VS Code: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsciot-vscode.azure-iot-tools

Lastly, if you are using Visual Studio 2019, you can use the Cloud Explorer in VS to monitor events in your IoTHub


I purchased the basic support package and they investigated my case. They let me know they deployed a new fix and now the messages are showing up in places where they were not before.

So it seems that this was a problem with Azure itself and not something wrong I had done.