I have 3 variables of interest:
- City
- Amount
- Round: can take value of A or B
My dashboard is set such as each row represents a city, an in the column there is the amount. The amount column is divided in 2: Round A and Round B. (the user can see the amount for each round next to each other).
I am trying to create a filter or parameter that let's me see the Amount for round A and B next to each other or the sum of both. Currently, the filter allows me to see round A or round B or both next to each other. I want to also be able to see the sum.
I was advised to make a parameter this way (it does change anything):
- Right click on Round measure and create parameter. I added values from Round.
- Show Parameter
- Right Click on Round measure and create set. On the condition tab, by formula: [Round] = [Round Parameter]
Thanks (absolute beginner on Tableau)
field because the question was not clear earlier. See the answer, if I have correctly understood it now! – AnilGoyalAMTS
field. Now corrected, please check – AnilGoyal