I'm trying to convert a PDF to a PNG image (at least the cover of one). I'm successfully extracting the first page of the PDF with pdftk. I'm using imagemagick to do the conversion:
convert cover.pdf cover.png
This works, but unfortunately the cover.png comes through incorrectly rendered (some of the alpha object in the PDF aren't rendered properly). I know ImageMagick uses GhostScript to do the conversion and if I do it directly with gs I can get the desired results, but I'd rather use the convert library as it has other tools I'd like to leverage.
This command in GhostScript accomplishes the desired image:
gs -sDEVICE=pngalpha -sOutputFile=cover.png -r144 cover.pdf
I'm wondering is there any way to pass arguments through convert to GhostScript or am I stuck with calling GhostScript directly?