
Using Python Pandas and importing an Excel document, the following code is kicking back an error:

df['City'] = df['City'].astype(str)
df['Rent'] = np.where((df['City'].str.contains('ST PETERSBURG')) & (df['BedroomsTotal'] == 2),  df['Rent'], df['LivingArea'] * df['Multiplier'])

The mentioned error is: AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'str'

I added the top line to set the column to type string. They already should be strings since the column is a list of cities. Thoughts or suggestions on ways around this? Thanks.

enter image description here

May you share your sample dataset ?A DUBEY
Yep. Please see screenshotMattr42
What are you expecting the .str to do?Jiří Baum
Ultimately to solve the following problem: stackoverflow.com/q/65313183/11144854Mattr42

1 Answers


Try this:

df['Rent'] = df.apply(lambda x: x.Rent if ('ST PETERSBURG' in x.City) & (x.BedroomsTotal==2) else x.LivingArea*x.Multiplier, axis=1)

Check for the conditions.