
Is there a way to link to another sheet within a Google Sheets workbook using the target's sheet name?

I've seen other posts that show how to do this but they rely on getting the sheet's gid. I can't use that because I need this to work in Excel and Google Sheets and my workbooks are being created dynamically with a Node script.

In Excel I can write =HYPERLINK("#'NameOfSheet'!A1", "Click here"). But this doesn't work in Google Sheets. It creates a link but when you click it nothing happens.


1 Answers


Just try to use the sheet's URL instead, to link to other sheet or tab. Just for example:

=HYPERLINK("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10HufqWRKiK_iR45Z52ABTiba0Lq1wVMIRxdefSI3NA/edit#gid=0", "Link text here")

Notice that this also changes when you link to another tab:
