In ARKit, I am using the height and width of reference images (as entered by me into XCode in the AR Resource Group) to overlay planes of the same size onto matched images. Regardless of whether I enter accurate reference image dimensions, ARKit accurately overlays the plane onto the real world (i.e., the plane correctly covers the matched image in the ARSCNView).
If I understand correctly, estimatedScaleFactor tells me the difference between the true size of the reference image and the values I entered in the Resource Group.
My question is, if ARKit is able to figure the true size of the object shown in the reference image, when/why would I need to worry about entering accurate height and width values.
(My reference images are public art and accurately measuring them is sometimes difficult.)
Does ARKit have to work harder, or are there scenarios where I would stop getting good results without accurate Reference Image measurements?
ADDITIONAL INFO: As a concrete example, if I was matching movie posters, I would take a photo of the poster, load it into an AR Resource Group, and arbitrarily set the width to something like one meter (allowing Xcode to set the other dimension based on the proportions of the image).
Then, when ARKit matches the image, I would put a plane on it in renderer(_:didAdd:for:)
let plane = SCNPlane(width: referenceImage.physicalSize.width,
height: referenceImage.physicalSize.height)
plane.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.planeColor
let planeNode = SCNNode(geometry: plane)
planeNode.eulerAngles.x = -.pi / 2
This appears to work as desired--the plane convincingly overlays the matched image--in spite of the fact that the dimensions I entered for the reference image are inaccurate. (And yes, estimatedScaleFactor does give a good approximation of by how much my arbitrary dimensions are off by.)
So, what I am trying to understand is whether this will break down in some scenarios (and when, and what I need to learn to understand why!). If my reference image dimensions are not accurate, will that negatively impact placing planes or other objects onto the node provided by ARKit?
Put another way, if ARKit is correctly understanding the world and reference images without accurate ref image measurements, does that mean I can get away with never entering accurate measurements for ref images?