
This is the code from c++ primer:

string::size_type findChar(const string &s, char c, string::size_type & occurs){
    auto ret = s.size();
    occurs = 0;
    for (decltype(ret) i = 0; i != s.size(); ++i){
        if (s[i] == c){
            if (ret == s.size())
                ret = i;
    return ret;

int main () {
    string::size_type ctr;
    cout << findChar("hello, world!", 'o', ctr);

An error happened after removing const from const string &s.

error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'std::__cxx11::string&' {aka 'std::__cxx11::basic_string&'} to an rvalue of type 'std::__cxx11::string' {aka 'std::__cxx11::basic_string'} cout << findChar("hello, world!", 'o', ctr);

I wonder, in this case, what behaviors of compiler does the const keyword change? Thanks for helping me.

What error, exactly, happened?Nathan Pierson
Removing const means "this value can be manipulated" which may not be permitted depending on how the argument is provided.tadman
@nathanpierson I have added it into the question.Swa1n Suen
You need to study c++ move semanticsHarry

3 Answers


A string literal like "hello, world!" is not a std::string. So to call your function the compiler has to create a std::string for you. Such an object is called a temporary. So in the first case the compiler uses "hello, world!" to create a std::string and then binds that temporary string to reference parameter s.

However C++ has a rule that you cannot bind a temporary to a non-const reference. But when you change s from const std::string& to std::string& you are asking the compiler to do exactly that. This is what the error message is telling you.

If you changed your code to this

string::size_type ctr;
string hello = "hello, world!";
cout << findChar(hello, 'o', ctr);

it will now compile even without const. The difference here is that the compiler is no longer creating a temporary std::string (because hello is already a std::string). So the rule about temporaries and non-const references doesn't apply.


std::string is a class. const char* is a pointer to memory that hopefully contains a null-terminated string. You can use std::string to pass by value and make copies without having to call functions like strcpy.

Use std::string whenever you can and the c_str() method when you need a pointer to the string, e.g., for older C libraries.


In the calling code, the object passed for s is "hello, world!", which is a string whose contents that cannot be changed. In the function findChar the type const string &s is a reference named s to an object of type const string. These two types are matched, so the compilation completes successfully.

However, a parameter string &s denotes a referenced named s to an object of type string - this is a mutable (changeable) string. But the passed in argument ("hello, world!") is a string that cannot be changed. When this happens the compiler indicates a type mismatch error.