I am trying to get month count even if there isn't a entry for a month. I have looked at few examples and failed to make it work. I have a 3 tables as below
timeIn | status |
2020-10-25 13:00:00 | Completed |
2020-11-25 13:00:00 | Completed |
2020-12-25 13:00:00 | Completed |
I am able to get the following count for each month as below by using the following select statement:
select MONTHNAME(timeIn),Count(*) from ".$tablename." WHERE timeIn!=:null group by MONTHNAME(timeIn) order by MONTHNAME(timeIn) DESC"
{October:"1", November: "1", December: "1"}
By searching online i found this select which i have modified to work with my table. It is not working and i am not sure what is wrong with this as i am not well verse with mysql.
SELECT Months.id AS `month` , COUNT(`".$tablename."`.timeIn) AS `count` FROM (SELECT 'January' as ID UNION SELECT 'February' as ID UNION SELECT 'March' as ID UNION SELECT 'April' as ID UNION SELECT 'May' as ID UNION SELECT 'June' as ID UNION SELECT 'July' as ID UNION SELECT 'August' as ID UNION SELECT 'September' as ID UNION SELECT 'October' as ID UNION SELECT 'November' as ID UNION SELECT 'December' as ID) as Months LEFT JOIN `".$tablename."` on Months.id=monthname(`".$tablename."`.timeIn) AND (status = 'Completed') GROUP BY Months.
I would like to get results as below, where it would return 0 if there is no entry for the month. Please be able to provide some explanation as it is a bit challenging to understand mysql statement. Appreciate any help i can get
{January: "0",.....,November:"0",October:"1", November: "1", December: "1"}
$sql="SELECT MONTHNAME(CONCAT('2020-', cte.num, '-1')) `Month`, COUNT(".$tablename.".timeIn) `Count` FROM (SELECT 1 NUM UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9 UNION SELECT 10 UNION SELECT 11 UNION SELECT 12) cte LEFT JOIN ".$tablename." ON cte.num = MONTH(".$tablename.".timeIn) GROUP BY 1;";