
I want to integrate our Sales CRM dynamics system with another application. Approaches we are considering are using web api and webhooks.

  • Can we use webhooks without using an azure function/azure service?
  • what all are the challenges?
  • Is there any other better methods to pull data from Dynamics CRM?
  • What all things should be considered while doing an integration with Dynamics CRM system?

(I am new to Dynamics) link followed:https://dynamicsninja.blog/2019/05/22/d365-webhooks-part-1/

It's an interesting question, but unfortunately I don't think you'll get a good answer here. There are a lot of different requirements for integration so I think this question will be closed as "too broad"jasonscript
go webapi \odata if the integration is light weigth enough, flow or logic apps can also do the trick easyly enough.Shane_Yo

3 Answers


If it's a relatively simple integration, using Power Automate might be your best bet.


To answer your specific questions, though:

  • Can we use webhooks without using an azure function/azure service?
    • No. You'll need to use Power Automate, Logic Apps, or some other method to watch for changes.
  • what all are the challenges?
    • That's a pretty broad question, can't help you without specific things you've already tried.
  • Is there any other better methods to pull data from Dynamics CRM? What all things should be considered while doing an integration with Dynamics CRM system?
    • If you're just doing reporting (pulling data) then PowerBI is a good choice, otherwise it's the API for custom integration or Power Automate/Logic Apps for something that needs a little less customization.

If you realy want to have a CRM fully integrated i would consider to try

• Power Automate (as said before): it's a good way to easily connect several systems

• Azure Functions: Sometimes power automate is just not enough but with azure functions you can easily create some serverless code. I have some aazure functions that are triggered by receiving a message in a queue by power automate for example. You can make both work together and that what we have at work :)

The biggets challeng is the "know-how" I guess. A lot of people do not know it yet. Azure functions can be a little difficult at the beggining (even more if you want to use early bound classes for you CRM). With some time you will get it.


If you want do distribute your tool as a dynamics solution package which than should be added to an organisation without generating API token in azure and stuff like that i would suggest you don't pull data from dynamics (that way you need to authorize at the ms webapi with a token generated in azure and so on). Instead use web components and plugins triggered by core messages to push the data to your api.