
Is there a way to determine mathematically if a value is closer to 0 than another?

For example closerToZero(-2, 3) would return -2.

I tried by removing the sign and then compared the values for the minimum, but I would then be assigning the sign-less version of the initial numbers.

a and b are IEEE-754 compliant floating-point doubles (js number)

(64 bit => 1 bit sign 11 bit exponent 52 bit fraction)

min (a,b) => b-((a-b)&((a-b)>>52));
result = min(abs(a), abs(b));
// result has the wrong sign ... 
Other languages might have something called argmin instead of min. And if really the language doesn't have such a function in their standard library, it's easy to code with a simple iteration over the list of values. However your question doesn't ask about a specific language. In fact, it's really unclear what your question is exactly.Stef
In math you would write it like this: a if abs(a)<=abs(b), b otherwise. This is equally easy to translate to a programming language.Henry
@Henry: In languages with fixed-with 2's complement integers, make sure you do an unsigned compare of the abs results so you correctly handle abs(INT_MIN) which (if done signed) would overflow back to INT_MIN even though it's maximally far from 0. But yes, abs(a) < (unsigned) abs(b) ? a : b should work in languages where the return value of abs is stupidly signed. Except that still involves signed overflow in C, which is undefined behaviour, if abs is actually done signed. So you'd really want to implement your own absu(int) as return x<0? 0U - x : x;Peter Cordes
You can avoid the INT_MIN problem by mapping positive numbers to negative, instead of vice versa.kaya3
is a and b integer or float?John Alexiou

1 Answers


The obvious algorithm is to compare the absolute values, and use that to select the original values.

If this absolutely needs to be branchless (e.g. for crypto security), be careful with ? : ternary. It often compiles to branchless asm but that's not guaranteed. (I assume that's why you tagged ? If it was just out of performance concerns, the compiler will generally make good decisions.)

In languages with fixed-with 2's complement integers, remember that abs(INT_MIN) overflows a signed result of the same width as the input. In C and C++, abs() is inconveniently designed to return an int and it's undefined behaviour to call it with the most-negative 2's complement integer, on 2's complement systems. On systems with well-defined wrapping signed-int math (like gcc -fwrapv, or maybe Java), signed abs(INT_MIN) would overflow back to INT_MIN, giving wrong results if you do a signed compare because INT_MIN is maximally far from 0.

Make sure you do an unsigned compare of the abs results so you correctly handle INT_MIN. (Or as @kaya3 suggests, map positive integers to negative, instead of negative to positive.)

Safe C implementation that avoids Undefined Behaviour:

unsigned absu(int x) {
    return x<0? 0U - x : x;

int minabs(int a, int b) {
    return absu(a) < absu(b) ? a : b;

Note that < vs. <= actually matters in minabs: that decides which one to select if their magnitudes are equal.

0U - x converts x to unsigned before a subtract from 0 which can overflow. Converting negative signed-integer types to unsigned is well-defined in C and C++ as modulo reduction (unlike for floats, UB IIRC). On 2's complement machines that means using the same bit-pattern unchanged.

This compiles nicely for x86-64 (Godbolt), especially with clang. (GCC avoids cmov even with -march=skylake, ending up with a worse sequence. Except for the final select after doing both absu operations, then it uses cmovbe which is 2 uops instead of 1 for cmovb on Intel CPUs, because it needs to read both ZF and CF flags. If it ended up with the opposite value in EAX already, it could have used cmovb.)

# clang -O3
        mov     eax, edi
        neg     eax                # sets flags like sub-from-0 
        cmovl   eax, edi           # select on signed less-than condition

        mov     ecx, edi
        neg     ecx
        cmovl   ecx, edi             # inlined absu(a)
        mov     eax, esi
        mov     edx, esi
        neg     edx
        cmovl   edx, esi             # inlined absu(b)
        cmp     ecx, edx             # compare absu results
        cmovb   eax, edi             # select on unsigned Below condition.

Fully branchless with both GCC and clang, with optimization enabled. It's a safe bet that other ISAs will be the same.

It might auto-vectorize decently, but x86 doesn't have SIMD unsigned integer compares until AVX512. (You can emulate by flipping the high bit to use signed integer pcmpgtd).

For float / double, abs is cheaper and can't overflow: just clear the sign bit, then use that to select the original.