We have 2 local computers that are used as agent. Both computers have one agent. Those computers have at least 12 cores and we would like to run our tests in parallel, only on one computer. So my understanding is that there is no additionals agents needed, since I can execute Nunit directly in a parallel fashion.
In the documentation I found: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/test/parallel-testing-vstest?view=azure-devops The notion of running tests in parallels and on multiple agents seems linked. I don't want to use multiple agents as it prevents using isolation.
Is there a way to avoid it? Use more than one core of one agent?
My current yml description:
- task: VSTest@2
timeoutInMinutes: 300
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
testAssemblyVer2: '*.Test*.dll'
searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(buildConfiguration)'
codeCoverageEnabled: false
platform: 'Any CPU'
uiTests: false
configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'
rerunFailedTests: false
pathtoCustomTestAdapters: 'Solution/packages/NUnit3TestAdapter.3.12.0/build/net35'
minimumExpectedTests: 1000
runInParallel: true
runTestsInIsolation: true
failOnMinTestsNotRun: true
resultsFolder: 'testResults'
runSettingsFile: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\azure-tests.runsettings'