I'm making a simple discord bot, this is my first time doing so. I want the Discord bot to await my message before continuing but I can't seem to get this to work. How can I have the Discord bot wait before continuing on? Also, I know my "throw new Error"'s might not be super correct; I wasn't sure of another way to stop the run.
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!
const Discord = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class NewgameCommand extends BaseCommand {
constructor() {
super('newgame', 'managment', []);
async run(client, message, args) {
if (!message.member.roles.cache.some((r) => r.name === "staff")) {
return message.channel.send("Only staff members can set up games!");
const gameEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('New MvM Mondays Game!')
.setDescription('Add description here.')
const twoCitiesMissionsDisplayed = "\`\`\`\n1 - ????Empire Escalation\n2 - ????Metro Malice\n3 - ????Hamlet Hostility\n4 - ????Bavarian Botbash\`\`\`";
const twoCitiesMissionsArray = ['Empire Escalation', 'Metro Malice', 'Hamlet Hostility', 'Bavarian Botbash'];
const numOfMissions = [1, 2, 3, 4];
message.channel.send("What Two Cities mission?");
message.channel.awaitMessages(m => m.author.id == message.author.id,
{max: 1, time: 30000}).then(collected => {
const chosenMission = collected.first().content;
if (!numOfMissions.includes(chosenMission)) {
message.channel.send("You chose an invalid number!");
throw new Error("Chose invalid mission number");
}).catch(() => {
message.channel.send('No answer after 30 seconds, operation canceled.');
throw new Error("Took too long to respond.");
message.channel.send("Default classes? (yes/no)");
message.channel.awaitMessages(m => m.author.id == message.author.id,
{max: 1, time: 30000}).then(collected => {
const classesAnswer = collected.first().content;
if (!numOfMissions.includes(collected.first().content)) {
message.channel.send("All you had to do was say \"yes\" or \"no\"...");
throw new Error("Didn't say \"yes\" or \"no\"");
}).catch(() => {
message.channel.send('No answer after 30 seconds, operation canceled.');
throw new Error("Took too long to respond.");
What I see in Discord: