The correlation matrix is a symmetric matrix, meaning that its upper diagonal and lower diagonal elements are mirror images of each other, together called off-diagonal elements (as opposed to the diagonal elements, which are all equal to 1 in any correlation matrix since any variable's correlation with itself is just 1).
The off-diagonal elements of a correlation matrix are the same wherever the i'th row number and j'th column number in the lower diagonal are swapped in the upper diagonal, i.e. correlation of variables 1 and 2 (row 1, column 2) are the same for variables 2 and 1 (row 2, column 1). Therefore, we only need to re-calculate the lower-diagonal elements, and copy them to corresponding positions in the matrix's upper-diagonal after
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn
X = randn(20,3)
Rho = np.corrcoef(X.T) #correlation matrix
print(np.tril(Rho)) #lower off-diagonal of matrix Rho to re-calculate, then copy to other side
array([[ 1. , 0. , 0. ],
[-0.03003281, 1. , 0. ],
[-0.02602238, 0.06137713, 1. ]])
What is the most efficient way to code a "i not-equal-to j" loop for the following sequence of steps:
- re-calculate the lower off-diagonal elements of the symmetric matrix according to some apply function (to make it simple, we will just add +2 to each of these elements)
- flip those same calculations onto its mirror image (the corresponding upper off-diagonals)
- Also, replace the diagonal elements of the symmetric matrix with a vector filled with 10's (instead of 1's as found in the correlation matrix)
The aim is to generate a new matrix that is a re-calculation of the original.