There's a strong emphasis in the docs on stateful stream processing, because the community is proud of having created a highly performant, fault tolerant stream processor that provides exactly-once guarantees even when operating stateful pipelines at large scale. But you can certainly make good use Flink without using state.
However, truly stateless applications are rare. Even in cases where the application doesn't do anything obviously stateful (such as windowing or pattern matching), state is required to deliver exactly-once, fault-tolerant semantics. Flink can ensure that each incoming event is persisted exactly once into the sink(s), but doing so requires that Flink's sources and sinks keep state, and that state must be checkpointed (and recovered after failures). This is all handled transparently, except that you need to enable and configure checkpointing, assuming you care about exactly-once guarantees.
The Flink docs include an tutorial on Data Pipelines and ETL that includes some examples and an exercise ( that are stateless.
Flink has three primary APIs: