
I found this definition for modulo

mod(a, n) = a - n * floor(a / n)

Doing an integer division and then multiplying it again means finding the biggest number smaller than a that is dividable by n without a remainder. Subtracting this from a yields the remainder of the division and by that the modulo." source:https://torstencurdt.com/tech/posts/modulo-of-negative-numbers/

It seemed to help me understand intuitively, and it worked for cases where both a and n where positive and also cases where a was negative while b was positive. For example:

-10 mod 3

-12 is the largest number smaller than -10 divisible by 3. So the remainder is -10-(-12)=2 which is correct.

But when I tried doing 10 mod -3 my answer was incorrect. Because while 9 is the largest number smaller than 10 divisible by -3 it will give the wrong answer as it would evaluate to 10-9=1.

Instead it is supposed to be 10 -((-4)*(-3))=10-12=-2.

But 12 isn't the biggest number smaller than a.

I understand how to solve for the answer using the formula a= (a//n)(n)+(a%n) in python. But is there an intuitive definition to help me understand?

(a) You say you found “this definition” for modulo, but you do not say where you found it, so we cannot tell you whether that is a good source or examine it to see the context and definitions it uses. (b) For 10/-3, you say “my answer was incorrect.” But you do not tell us either what your answer was or what your Python implementation gave.Eric Postpischil
@ Eric Postpischil "it will give the wrong answer as it would evaluate to 10-9=1."sniperking

2 Answers


I found an anser here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remainder it seems there are two types of remainders and a programming languages picks which one to use


The Python 3 documentation gives the identity x == (x//y)*y + (x%y), from which it can be deduced that x%y == x - (x//y)*y. // denotes “floor division”; x//y is the greatest integer not greater than x/y.

For x=10 and y==−3, x/y is −3⅓. floor(−3⅓) is −4. Therefore x//y is −4. Then x - (x//y)*y is 10 − (−4)*−3 = 10−12 = −2.

Here is a graph of x%3: enter image description here Here is a graph of x%-3: enter image description here