
Is it normal that a client application took a longer time to insert data into GemFire Cluster for the first time? For example, my client application took around 4 seconds to insert GemFire Cluster successfully. However , the subsequent insert only took around 1 second. May i know what is the reason behind it?

Client Application Log File

@EnablePool(name = "sgpool", socketBufferSize = 1000000, prSingleHopEnabled = true, idleTimeout = 10000)
public class RegionConfiguration {

public ClientRegionFactoryBean<String, Person> customersRegion(GemFireCache gemfireCache) {
    ClientRegionFactoryBean<String, Person> customersRegion = new ClientRegionFactoryBean<>();
    return customersRegion;

@EnableGemfireRepositories(basePackageClasses = PersonRepository.class)
public class PersonDataAccess {

private Region<String, Person> peopleRegion;

private PersonRepository personRepository;

public void init() {

public void saveAll(Iterable<Person> iteratorList) {

public class PersonService {

public PersonDataAccess personDataAccess;

private Person createPerson(String ic, int age) {
    return new Person(ic, "Jack - " + age, "Kay - " + age, LocalDate.of(2000, 12, 10), age, 2,
            new Address("Jack Wonderful Land 12", "Wonderful Land", "Wonderful 101221"), "11111", "22222", "33333",
            "Dream", "Space");

@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000, initialDelay = 5000)
public void testSaveRecord() {
    ArrayList<Person> personList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int counter = 0; counter < 30000; counter++) {
        personList.add(createPerson("S2011" + counter, counter));
    log.info("start saving person");
    log.info("Complete saving all the message");

GemFire Configuration:

  1. Using PDX Serialization
  2. 1 Locator and Cache Server (GemFire 9.10.5
  3. Partition Region
  4. Client Application (Using Spring Data GemFire 2.3.4)

Thank you so much

I think the “caching PDX type” gives it away. Maybe there is a cache synchronisation check between client cache PDX types registry and server cache PDX types registry and if there’s a mismatch then there is a PDX cache registry mechanism sync....rupweb
I don't know is it due to synchronization check for pdx type between client and server. However, i did not use persistent region or store pdx in the GemFire Server. The GemFire Server was having "fresh start" before i run the client applicationJack

1 Answers


Clearly the 1st time there’s a PDX cache register process going on between client and server kind of like

client server event distribution

The register process does not need to happen 2nd time because it’s now setup.

The PDX registration process is explained more here where it says: Geode maintains a central registry of the PDX domain object metadata.

There must be a way to get the region setup done before your 1st insert, so that each insert is the same.

Maybe this could help