
Using TOauth2Authenticator, TRESTClient, TRESTRequest, TRESTResponseDataSet, TRESTResponse, TFDmemtable and a TDataSource have I managed to connect to the Trakt API, and authenticate my application and get a code in return and lastly use that code to get a token.

So now I should be able to list the movies with the below code.

RESTClient1.BaseURL := 'https://trakt.tv/';
RESTRequest1.Resource := 'calendars/my/movies/{start_date}/{days}';
RESTRequest1.AddParameter('Authorization','Bearer ' + TraktAccessToken.Text,pkHTTPHEADER);
RESTRequest1.AddParameter('trakt-api-version', '2', pkHTTPHEADER);
RESTRequest1.AddParameter('trakt-api-key', TraktClientId.Text, pkHTTPHEADER);
RESTRequest1.Params.AddItem('start_date', '2019-05-05', pkURLSEGMENT); // Dummy date
RESTRequest1.Params.AddItem('days', '7', pkURLSEGMENT);                // Dummy time

RESTRequest1.Method := TRESTRequestMethod.rmGET;

But this wouldn't work. The command sets the Authorization to "Authorization=Bearer [TOKEN]" whereas my understanding after trying to read up is that it must me "Authorization:Bearer [TOKEN]". (Mind the "=" vs ":")

I have tried removing the Authorization line and replacing with poking the data not in the headers but the component properties, like so:

Trakt_OAuth.TokenType := TOAuth2TokenType.ttBEARER;
Trakt_OAuth.AccessToken := TraktAccessToken.Text;

Also this:

RESTRequest1.AddAuthParameter('Authorization','Bearer ' + TraktAccessToken.Text, TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkHTTPHEADER);

Both options fail in the very same manner. The only thing I have located is this option, when you poke a string into your customer headers:

Request.CustomHeaders.Add('Authorization: Bearer ' + sToken)

By the CustomHeaders method isn't available in the RESTRequest class.

Thinking I was ready to go really dirty to fix it, I realised I could read out the parameter item:

Whatever := RESTRequest1.Params.Items[5].ToString

Now I can change the string - replace the "=" with a ":", but that doesn't help as I can't write it back.

It's not that I have run into a corner case - OAuth2 giving a token that is then used in conjunction with bearer authentication is how this works. I just seems to fail to do it ...

Solution: My API calls now work. I don't manually add any the Authorize in the respective HTTP Header property, but set the OAuth2 properties, and then the component seemingly takes care of building the headers for me.

Trakt_OAuth.TokenType := TOAuth2TokenType.ttBEARER;
Trakt_OAuth.AccessToken :=  TraktAccessToken.Text;
The command sets the Authorization to "Authorization=Bearer [TOKEN]" How do you lnow that?Olivier
Oliver: I have a bit of debug code that extract the parameters set: Memo2.Lines.Text := Memo2.Lines.Text + sLineBreak + 'Parameter 0: ' + RESTRequest1.Params.Items[0].ToString; I extract the full list of parameters this way (clumsy with no loop but it's a fixed set of parameters and it will be gone in the final version anyways so not optimized).Pontus Berg
That's what I thought: it's just debugging information. It doesn't prove that the header is actually sent that way.Olivier
Using the tool Fiddler Everywhere (docs.telerik.com/fiddler-everywhere/introduction) I was able to have a full look at the real communication sent during the session, including depacking the HTTPS ones (you need to enable this specifically in the settings)Pontus Berg

3 Answers


This has worked for me:

  LParam := RESTRequest1.Params.AddItem;
  LParam.Name := 'Authorization';
  LParam.Kind := TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkHTTPHEADER;
  LParam.Value := 'Bearer ' + sToken;

I seem to recall for one service, there needed to be no space character between Bearer and the token. Weird.


In my case, the space after "Bearer" was replaced with %20 of RESTRequest.Params.AddItem('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + ...), Microfot Graph couldn't parse it correctly. The suggested solution from Pontus did the trick.

OAuth2Authenticator.TokenType := TOAuth2TokenType.ttBEARER;
OAuth2Authenticator.AccessToken :=  'Your_Access_token';

I think you can try this because you don't have to encode your Bearer parameter:

RESTRequest1.AddAuthParameter('Authorization','Bearer ' + TraktAccessToken.Text, TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkHTTPHEADER, [poDoNotEncode]);