For texture2D i extract the texture for an mipmap as follows
As per the documentation it writes 4 bytes per pixels setting the required components to zero if the texture is not 4 components.
Later i can create an 2D texture using the pixels as follows
GL11.glPixelStorei(GL11.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,4); //4 bytes since RGBA bytes were read from texture
So this works perfectly for 2D textures.
Now jump to texture 1D Arrays i read the images for all layers of an specific mipmap as follows
pixels=ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4*image.width*layers); //again creating RGBA byte buffer because thats the default behaviour
GL11.glGetTexImage( //this will return the texture images of all layers of mipmap level 0
ByteBuffer levelN=ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4*image.width);
int offset=4*image.width*level; //level is layer 0,layer 1 so on this part reads only the texels of an specific layer
for(int i=offset;i<offset+(image.width*4);i++){levelN.put(pixels.get(i));}
But later when i create my texture1D array as follows
ByteBuffer[] layers=//read using above method
GL11.glPixelStorei(GL11.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,4); //4 bytes since RGBA bytes were read from texture
GL11.glTexImage2D(GL30.GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY,0 //allocate enough storage for all layers
for(int layer=0;i<layers.length;layer++)
ByteBuffer image=layers[i];
GL11.glTexSubImage2D(GL30.GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY,0 //Update individual layers using texSubImage
The Colors come out all incorrect and even changing the texture format to GL_RGBA also didn't solve the problem.but when i change the constant from 4 to 3[read only 3 bytes per pixel in the readMethod() of texture 1d array] everything works correctly again. So i am really confused here because all my test textures are RGB format and what i observed was
->For 2D Textures reading 4 bytes per pixel in glGetTexImage() but then later specifying only RGB for the texture format worked
->For 1D Texture Arrays reading 3 bytes per pixel in the glGetTexImage() but then later specifying only RGB for texture format worked
But the specs say that it default reads 4 bytes per pixel for all texture types unless you the change that behaviour using pixelStorei()
and i am only using that method for creating 2D textures not anywhere else.
Can someone please explain why the diffrences?
glGetTexImage(...GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE...)
reads 3 bytes per pixel. The length of a line is aligned to 4 bytes (ifGL_PACK_ALIGNMENT
is 4). – Rabbid76glGetTexImage
do not specify the format of the source texture, but they specify the format of the target buffer. – Rabbid76