I have a problem that I have reduced to its essence with the following CSV file. Imagine we're a company that sells potatos and apples, and each customer is assigned a potato-class and an apple-class.
What I want is to plot the sales according to class - so apple sales by apple class and potato sales by potato class, in one diagram. Dragging all the measures into a workheet, I get this:
So I would like an overlay of the top left and bottom right classes. If I combine everything into one diagram via dual axis, I get this:
So Tableau is plotting potato sales and apple sales on both the potato and the apple class axis, creating four dots per class where I want two.
Does anyone have an idea on how to basically assign one measure to one axis instead of both measures to both axes? (Hiding the "wrong" dots would also be fine).
Also, I realize that pivoting the dataset to have fields "sales", "class" and "product" would solve the problem, but reality is of course far more complicated than this toy example and it's just not feasible.