
I am working on visualizing a data set consists of a many time series measured by time: 1:2341. A sample of of this data contains 2 vectors V1, V2, where each one of them represents a time series.

#I deleted some data because of the limited space.
#EDIT: I include only 200 line from the data frame

    structure(list(V1 = c(11489, 11495, 11409, 11441, 11413, 11434, 
11390, 11496, 11388, 11426, 11392, 11428, 11465, 11456, 11445, 
11501, 11543, 11465, 11435, 11430, 11484, 11468, 11503, 11476.25, 
11449.5, 11331, 11368, 11402, 11470, 11512, 11488, 11511, 11529, 
11442, 11483, 11474, 11424, 11504, 11548, 11537, 11464, 11448, 
11464, 11303, 11394, 11269, 11430, 11491, 11468, 11509, 11376, 
11438, 11547, 11452, 11471, 11448, 11425, 11420, 11489, 11457, 
11609, 11450, 11421, 11421, 11474, 11355, 11321, 11292, 11396, 
11320, 11184, 11266, 11335, 11424, 11225, 11279, 11179, 11286, 
11270, 11322, 11333, 11267, 11395, 11243, 11392, 11242, 11131, 
11341, 11285, 11245, 11255, 11257, 11261, 11255, 11293, 11297, 
11348, 11354, 11213, 11180, 11372, 11388, 11192, 11411, 11198, 
11271, 11150, 11268, 11309, 11349, 11330, 11285, 11112, 11328, 
11368, 11405, 11359, 11459, 11443, 11268, 11316, 11392, 11324, 
11366, 11328, 11354, 11305, 11331, 11397, 11305, 11452, 11275, 
11308, 11385, 11375, 11332, 11344, 11401, 11206, 11347, 11388, 
11374, 11349, 11279, 11427, 11455, 11500, 11289, 11330, 11418, 
11388, 11332, 11352, 11284, 11322, 11184, 11423, 11372, 11468, 
11456, 11397, 11567, 11418, 11415, 11386, 11426, 11303, 11351, 
11327, 11424, 11284, 11504, 11321, 11311, 11328, 11456, 11420, 
11511, 11263, 11461, 11491, 11264, 11405, 11358, 11434, 11445, 
11355, 11467, 11403, 11530, 11444, 11378, 11495, 11619, 11652, 
11669, 11590, 11793, 11772, 11744), V2 = c(6846, 6796, 6835, 
6761, 6870, 6798, 6800, 6848, 6824, 6834, 6812, 6820, 6857, 6841, 
6870, 6809, 6835, 6796, 6864, 6862, 6864, 6866, 6752, 6813, 6874, 
6848, 6856, 6816, 6784, 6864, 6821, 6867, 6810, 6835, 6828, 6802, 
6838, 6821, 6849, 6826, 6887, 6820, 6882, 6848, 6840, 6866, 6857, 
6872, 6823, 6873, 6852, 6880, 6806, 6824, 6841, 6844, 6847, 6874, 
6862, 6792, 6802, 6780, 6747, 6784, 6744, 6809, 6825, 6811, 6859, 
6802, 6866, 6853, 6724, 6863, 6830, 6827, 6818, 6885, 6855, 6707, 
6876, 6821, 6828, 6874, 6858, 6871, 6840, 6852, 6866, 6837, 6786, 
6884, 6837, 6831, 6845, 6807, 6878, 6827, 6840, 6850, 6870, 6885, 
6862, 6884, 6867, 6841, 6871, 6884, 6787, 6877, 6817, 6855, 6860, 
6803, 6863, 6779, 6883, 6864, 6866, 6824, 6797, 6867, 6859, 6886, 
6864, 6868, 6848, 6818, 6770, 6851, 6849, 6873, 6879, 6858, 6864, 
6849, 6866, 6880, 6838, 6881, 6828, 6849, 6880, 6838, 6833, 6856, 
6855, 6862, 6868, 6788, 6851, 6871, 6842, 6832, 6871, 6801, 6854, 
6830, 6871, 6887, 6830, 6880, 6833, 6842, 6849, 6857, 6894, 6871, 
6867, 6881, 6895, 6874, 6872, 6857, 6856, 6847, 6899, 6874.5, 
6850, 6902, 6887, 6883.5, 6880, 6862, 6873, 6884, 6879, 6874, 
6873.5, 6873, 6882.5, 6892, 7111, 7114.11111111111, 7117.22222222222, 
7120.33333333333, 7123.44444444444, 7126.55555555556, 7129.66666666667, 
7132.77777777778), Time = 1:200), row.names = c(NA, 200L), class = "data.frame")

Each vector among the above two vectors is labeled by another vectors is called class, so class1 and class2 are as

#I can't dput class1 and class2 because of the limited space
> str(class1)
 num [1:2341] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
> summary(class1)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   1.00    1.00    1.00    2.51    4.00    8.00 
> str(class2)
 num [1:2341] 2 2 5 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 ...
> summary(class2)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  1.000   1.000   4.000   4.922   8.000   8.000 

I can plot successfully each time series(for each vector V1 and V2) and color it according to the the label of the point but separately.

'data.frame':   2341 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ V1  : num  11489 11495 11409 11441 11413 ...
 $ V2  : num  6846 6796 6835 6761 6870 ...
 $ Time: int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

 num [1:2341] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
 num [1:2341] 2 2 5 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 ...

ggplot(df2, aes(x = Time, y = V1, colour = factor(class1), group = 1)) + 
+    geom_line()
ggplot(df2, aes(x = Time, y = V2, colour = factor(class2), group = 1)) + 
+    geom_line()

MY Question: How can I join both plots in one plot, so to have a plot contains two curves. Additionally, to fix each color in both plots to the same class label, knowing that, both of class1 and class2 contain values between 1:8.

NOTE: I know it is possible to plot many series in the same plot using ts.plot(). I didn't use it beacuse I don't know how to calibrate the color according to the class label. Additionally, ts.plot() accepts up to 10 series but my original data is more!

Hi Flore, please could you paste again the dput()? Your actual dput() is giving errors!Duck
Hi @Duck . There is no enough space to include all data in the question so I deleted an amount of data. IFlore
@Duck now I included only the first 200 lines among the 2341 lines of the data frameFlore

2 Answers


One approach is to combine all of the variables into one data.frame and then use pivot_longer from tidyr.

df2 <- df2 %>%
  mutate(class1 = class1,
         class2 = class2) %>%
  pivot_longer(-Time,names_to = c(".value","Series"),
               names_pattern = "(.+)([0-9]+$)")

## A tibble: 432 x 4
#    Time Series     V class
#   <int> <chr>  <dbl> <fct>
# 1     1 1      11489 1    
# 2     1 2       6846 1    
# 3     2 1      11495 1    
# 4     2 2       6796 1    
# 5     3 1      11409 1    
# 6     3 2       6835 1    
# 7     4 1      11441 1    
# 8     4 2       6761 1    
# 9     5 1      11413 1    
#10     5 2       6870 1    
## … with 422 more rows

Now each row contains both the V variable and the class variable for a single series at a given time. The series has been extracted from the end of the variable names and is accomplished with the names_pattern argument of tidyr::pivot_longer.

ggplot(df2, aes(x = Time, y = V, color = as.factor(class), group = Series)) +
  geom_line() + ylim(500,15000)

enter image description here

Sample Data:

class1 <- factor(as.integer(cut(1:216,5)),levels = 1:8)
class2 <- factor(as.integer(cut(1:216,6)),levels = 1:8)

I also add an example with dummy data, you can add your class variables to df2 as @IanCampbell smartly does so that they will be in the data. Here a code that can helpful:

df <- data.frame(Time=1:20,
                 class1=sample(1:5,20,replace = T),
                 class2=sample(1:5,20,replace = T))

df %>% pivot_longer(-c(Time,V1,V2)) %>%
  rename(class=value) %>% select(-name) %>%
  pivot_longer(-c(Time,class)) %>%
  mutate(Label=ifelse(Time==max(Time,na.rm = T),name,NA),
         Label=ifelse(duplicated(Label),NA,Label)) %>%
  geom_label_repel(aes(label = Label),
                   nudge_x = 1.5,
                   na.rm = TRUE,show.legend = F,color='black')


enter image description here