Your problem comes down to reducing the number of concurrent network requests at a given time.
A simple approach would be to have a GenServer which keeps track of the count of outgoing requests. Then, for each client (Up to 200 in your case), it can check to see if there's an open request, and then act accordingly. Here's what the server could look like:
defmodule Throttler do
use GenServer
@impl true
def init(max_concurrent: max_concurrent) do
{:ok, %{count: 0, max_concurrent: max_concurrent}}
@impl true
def handle_call(:run, _from, %{count: count, max_concurrent: max_concurrent} = state) when count < max_concurrent, do: {:reply, :ok, %{state | count: count + 1}}
@impl true
def handle_call(:run, _from, %{count: count, max_concurrent: max_concurrent} = state) when count >= max_concurrent, do: {:reply, {:error, :too_many_requests}, state}
@impl true
def handle_call(:finished, _from, %{count: count} = state) when count > 0, do: {:reply, :ok, %{state | count: count - 1}}
Okay, so now we have a server where we can call handle_call(pid, :run)
and it will tell us whether or not we've exceeded the count. Once the task (getting the URL) is complete, we need to call handle_call(pid, :finished)
to let the server know we've completed the task.
On the client side, we can wrap that in a convenient helper function. (Note this is still within the Throttler module so __MODULE__
defmodule Throttler do
def start_link(max_concurrent: max_concurrent) when max_concurrent > 0 do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [max_concurrent: max_concurrent])
def execute_async(pid, func) do, :run)
|> case do
:ok ->
task = Task.async(fn ->
try do
after, :finished)
{:ok, task}
{:error, reason} -> {:error, reason, func}
Here we pass in a function that we want to asynchronously execute on the client side, and do the work of calling :run and :finished on the server side before executing. If it succeeds, we get a task back, otherwise we get a failure.
Putting it all together, and you get code that looks like this:
{:ok, pid} = Throttler.start_link(max_concurrent: 3)
results =, fn num ->
Throttler.execute(pid, fn ->
IO.puts("Running command #{num}")
IO.puts("Sleep complete for #{num}")
num * 10
valid_tasks = Enum.filter(results, &(match?({:ok, _func}, &1))) |>, 1))
Now you have a bunch of tasks that either succeeded, or failed and you can act appropriately.
What do you do upon failure? That's the interesting part of backpressure :) The simplest thing would be to have a timeout and retry, under the assumption that you will eventually clear the pressure downstream. Otherwise you can fail out the requests entirely and keep pushing the problem upstream.
. I don’t see any application ofGenStage
here as well. A while ago I faced a similar task and I have publishedTarearbol
library doing exactly that (besides other things,) one implements a behaviour and theDynamicSupervisor
behind does the rest. – Aleksei Matiushkin