
I try to get a list all Teams from a Tennant. There are about 100 Teams. The cmdlet Get-Team runs for ages and the Powershell-log says

2020-12-04T14:38:27.8608271Z    Error       Get-Team.GetTeam                            Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Custom.ErrorHandling.ApiException - Error occurred while executing 
Code: TooManyRequests
Message: Too many requests from Identifier:XXXXXX under category:throttle.teams.ags.api_complex_level_10.app_normal.operation_read_sustained. Please try again later.
  RequestId: XXX
  DateTimeStamp: 2020-12-04T14:38:27
HttpStatusCode: TooManyRequests
.    bei Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Custom.Utils.HttpUtilities.Get[T](HttpClient httpClient, Uri requestUri, Dictionary`2 headers)
   bei Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Custom.TeamsCmdlet.GetTeam(String cmdletName, String uriSuffix, String groupId)

The API-Websites says, that the Get-Team call is limited to 60 requests/sec. I´m way below that value. Even if I run it once, it takes several Minutes to complete. Is this a known bug? Does someone know a way around it?

*EDIT* I found a Solution: Install the latest prerelease (1.1.10) of the Teams-Module. With latest Stable (1.1.6) it didn´t work

As an FYI: we've seen issues today regarding Get-Team taking upto 5 minutes to return a single Team. This behaviour has been seen by others in my sector across the country (UK).Robin

1 Answers


what is the Version of module. if it is older version please update to latest.

Please check powershell version also. if both are latest version. please run the get-team through Graph explorer share the outcome.