
Today I have deployed an app to our production application server GlassfishV3 through Jenkins CI to the autodeploy folder. The app server went down, and I cannot bring it back up.

My goal is to have the server up and running the same as prior to deploying the application. This is what I have done:

  1. First find the PID of the process running at port 4848: nestat -nlept
  2. Then kill the PID by doing kill -9 PID
  3. Remove the war file that Jenkinks just put in the autodeploy directory just in case if that is the problem.
  4. Start the server again by doing ./asadmin start-domain domain1
  5. The server takes FOREVER to start !!! In fact it never starts successfully as I cannot access the admin console at 4848 or any of the other apps that were already running. However, it leaves a process running at 4848.
  6. I looked at the jvm.log and server.log and I found a java.net.BindException:No free port within range.........

So my questions are as follows:

  1. Do you know what is going on?
  2. Do you know how to fix it?
  3. Do you know of a way to speed up the ./asadmin start-domain domain1 process?

Note: In our QA app server (Same version, same OS, Same Java, Same Grails) it does not happen. Really frustrated with this issue.

Thanks a lot for your help. Any help would be very much appreciated as this is a production issue that has several applications down for a few hours already.

  • Dario
The server has come back up but I have not done anything special just starting up the server again. Now I am trying to deploy the app through the GUI interface and I get an Out of memory error. How do I increase the heap size for Glassfish3?Viriato
i haven't used glassfish before, i'm switching to it actually.so my guess is setting JAVA_OPTS if you are not sure about glassfish specific environment variables.black sensei

1 Answers


I can deploy my application now, basically it boiled down to increasing the MaxPermSize jvm option

Under the config folder, edit domain.xml and change the default size to this:


You can always increase it as necessary.

Also, if that is not enough you can also change the max heap size in that same file

-Xmx512m . I have left it as is but if required you can change that to 6g or more on a 64 bit OS. On a 32 bit OS it will only recognize up to 3.5g.

Hope this helps somebody else in the future, as this issue kept me at work until 9:00PM


I had peformance issues again and I found this other solution in Joshi's tech blog: http://joshitech.blogspot.com/2009/09/glassfish-application-server.html

Basically add the following jvm options in the domain.xml. It should increase Glassfish boot up and deployment performance:
