
I have a Laravel controller with a 'store' method. i.e. store(Request $request).

For the view I want to embed a livewire component and then utilize the existing controller 'store' method (behind the scenes) from a livewire component method. Is this possible? Currently, I'm running into the problem that there is no Request object since I'm no longer making the call from the existing route/view (i.e. POST /orders).

public function oms_order()
// this method provides the POST /orders leveraging 
// Controllers\OrderController@store
    $this->refId = app('App\Http\Controllers\OrderController')->store($this->jsonOrder);

Argument 1 passed to App\Http\Controllers\OrderController::store() must be an instance of Illuminate\Http\Request, null given, called in D:\xampp\htdocs\jade\livewire_hpp\app\Http\Livewire\Oms.php on line 26

I can remove the 'Request $request' from the store method but then that breaks the standard Laravel POST /orders route.

I was hoping to use the existing laravel app as the backend/API and add the livewire bit for a demo. Any advice is welcome.

try store(\Illuminate\Http\Request $this->jsonOrder);Kamlesh Paul
try app(OrderController::class)->store(request(), $this->jsonOrder)Taha Paksu

1 Answers


I don't think it is a best practice to call a controller function from another class. If you want reusability, I suggest refactoring code by creating a separate class with a store method which accepts only required attributes and saves a record. Then you can use this method in multiple places. It is easier to test also. It is difficult to give an exact answer before seeing your store method.